Featuring: Debabrat Sukla

My first feature! Debabrat Sukla is a talented photographer and graphic designer, and a very dear friend of mine. Here’s his shot from the day before’s squall.


Yesterday’s post had 8 photos instead of the 10 I had planned (Some WP sorcery). I plan to post the rest tomorrow. Keep watching this space!

Squall in the City

Last night I posted about the squall that hit Delhi day before. A common summer occurence, it uprooted a few trees here and there, caused traffic jams, power-cuts and brought with it refreshing showers. Powerful winds flew my dustbin a couple of houses away, and I had to fetch it before it flew in the neighbouring plot. (Note to self: The dustbin is not made of gold and has no Harry Potter connection whatsoever. To put it simply, not worth venturing out in a storm.)

Later though, when the sky cleared a bit, Delhi witnessed a most beautiful sunset. Here are some photos from the same.









Which one did you like best?

Oh, also, if you know of a good watermarking software or site, please tell me. I’m quite sick of picmarkr.com. It is excruciatingly slow.


Friend, brother, critic and nemesis, Mihir Vatsa recently embellished one of my shots with his characteristic excellent free verse.


If you liked what you read, pay a visit to Mihir’s blog. You can also find him on Facebook. And if you like what you saw, then head over to the sidebar on the right of this post and click ‘follow’ to stay abreast of the latest development on this blog. You can also like the fb page and earn my silent gratitude. 🙂

Keep watching this space for the original, unedited photograph, and some more bonus shots from the golden sunset Delhi witnessed post last evening’s tempest.


P.S: It was brought to my notice that I tend to take people for granted. Coming from a very dear friend, I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt. It is things like this that make you question your existence and the garb you don. Are you really who you think you are and are you projecting it successfully? Do you really love the people you do? Do you ensure they know of this, for what use is it if they don’t? Are you living a delusion too? It seems I am.

Well, to the friend, just know, I’m quite ashamed and deeply apologetic.

Of sun and shadows

Above the hills, along the blue,
Round the bright air with footing true,
To please the child, to paint the rose,
The gardener of the World, he goes.

– Summer Sun; Robert Louis Stevenson

Wonder how long the rapture will last

How long young Sol its spell will cast

At crossroads, we await consequences.